Friday, September 16, 2011

Too Late for Goodbye

It's too late. It's all gone.
You had your chance. You took to long,
Like you always do. I won't wait for you.
It's not a game. It's not your choice.
It must be strange to hear my voice,
Saying don't come back this time.
It's too late for goodbye. 
- "Too Late for Goodbye", Randy Rogers Band

You know I love me some Randy Rogers Band! This song actually sums up a lot of changes I've had within myself the last year or so. I don't know if it is the fact that I've now turned 25 (ack!) or just the maturing process but I am so over people who waste my time, guys in particular, and now have this newfound courage to walk away for good. I have learned that I am a boundaries person - I want boundaries, I need them. Without them I become a basket case, I need that definition in life. In figuring this out about myself I became more honest with myself in what I need and want; and therefore was able to be more honest with the people in my life. 
The biggest change is what I like to call: The Official Fall Phone Purge of 2011. Tada! In just ten short minutes I deleted more than ten people that I honestly don't want to talk to ever again. The reasons were various: he's a dick, he's a married dick who still calls me (what a winner!), he's so 2010...haha, I wish I was kidding. It really is crazy what kind of guys have resided in my phonebook for the past 10 years, embarrassing even. 
The hardest ones to delete were the time wasters...those guys who I used to have so much fun with back in the day but just hem and haw around now; the ones I know that I will never have any sort of relationship past "maybe." Everyone wants to have those couple of people they can text when they are bored, but how is that fair to either party? It isn't. 
I have two categories of guys now: Dating or Friends. There is no room for the grey area anymore - and I think that is what has surprised a lot of people. Under most circumstances I am a very confident person, I don't let people run over me rough shod; but there are those few people who have slipped past and I have given way too much control before they truly earned it. Shame on me and no more of that in the future!

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