Monday, February 2, 2009

Stella Got It Back, Now It's My Turn

I need to get back into the groove of my riding career again. I haven't really done much of anything since I hurt my shoulder - I was injured, then I had Christmas break, the barn situation angered me to the point where I had to take a bit of a second break from the barn, Coaster has that weird skin thing going on, and I have to move him. Oh yeah, and the week-long ice storm and classes now and then...where does all my time go?!

While I escaped the war-zone of Northwest Arkansas this past weekend, I watched some old videos of Onyx and I before my Senior year. We were schooling Preliminary level stuff easily - I'm retarded for letting my momentum slow down. But I did, so now I just have to work extra hard at getting it back going again - what is it called? Potential energy? Oh well, regardless I need to get back in the swing of things. Luckily the new barn where Coaster will be moved next Monday has a large indoor arena that is available 24/7 with lights, heaters and footing that isn't so deep it will cause a soft tissue injury. Once the skin thing is healed up (it would be in a very inconvenient/uncomfortable place that would make exercise painful for Coaster) I have no excuse not to go work him at least 4-5 days a week. This new place is even about 10 minutes closer than the old place.

So here's to getting my groove back! Wish me luck!

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