Saturday, April 11, 2009

Confessions & Breakthroughs

Confession: I saw this picture of Megan Jones & Kirby Park Irish Jester on the USEA website and was hoping maybe y'all would see the big grey horse and think it was me and Coaster! Hey, can't blame me from trying!!!
Though I would personally like to see her plumb line a little bit more in line (shoulders over hips - hips over heels), who am I to critique someone's dressage position?!

I had a semi-huge break-through with Coaster the other day in his session that I am so stoked about. At the walk on a circle (on the line of course b/c remember I'm taking a step down to work on ground work - especially until his cough gets better), without the use of side-reins or any other device other than a rope halter and 12 lead line, I was able to ask Coaster to walk more through - bent in the correct way, using his topline - and guess what?! HE DID IT! All of a sudden, when I asked it was like wham! I knew there was an inner dressage horse in him hiding away!!! Now let's just see if I can get it again today ... well, off to teach lessons and play with ponies!

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